The Proletarian Cinema

The Jokey man (clown) Puppet Theatre

Officers House

The House of the Governor. The 17 century.

The City Postoffice



Revolution Avenue is a visit card of our city

Modern Architecture of the Streets

Voronezh new symbols

Glory and pride of Voronezh Land

City attractions

Revolution Avenue
is a visit card of our city

It is its central street where most of city attractions and facilities are concentrated.
Tsars and poets used to walk along this street centuries ago. It remembers the voices of great Russian philosophers, critics, poets and writers. A lot of strangers came to Voronezh to bend to holy remnants of the people who were considered to be holy due  to the way they lived. After their death they were canonized.
The street itself is a unique collection of various architecture samples. Old and new buildings are in harmony here.
A large building on Nikitinskaya street is called an Iron Shop due to its shape.
Just opposite the shop theres the Proletarian Cinema . This is youths favourite place to date.
The Bristol Hotel was very popular in the Civic War as it was the place where The Reds and The Whites had secret meetings.
The House of the Governor built in the 17century, now is a huge Information Centre. Man Gymnasium is rebuilt into the Puppet Theatre fancied by the city children very much. The roof of the theatre is decorated by the bronze figures from Pushkin fairy tales.
Restaurants and cafés, a lot of literature monuments (one of them is to Voronezh choir founder Pyatnitskyi) can be also found on Revolution Avenue.
There is also Voronezh Big Ben a spire with a clock in it on the roof of the South-East Rail-Way Centre. Next to this building there is a well known Kramskoy Art Museum.
The First of May" Park is the place where city residents love to sit on benches to view the picturesque scenery of the city.
One of the largest churches in Russia is being built not far from the park.


Modern Architecture
of the Streets

With every year Voronezh is getting more and more beautiful.


The "Utyuzhok" Shopping Centre

The Bristol Hotel

The Communication


The City "Lighthouse"


The Voronezh Pyramid


The "Hulliver" Cafe

Voronezh new symbols

One of them is very young; its only two years old. Its a monument to a kitten from Lizyukov street who is one of cartoon characters known in and loved by entire Russia.
The other one is also a monument. This time its a monument to a dog called Black Bim with White Ear who is the main character of a well known book read by almost every Russian child. Being a true friend, a clever and generous animal he is a wonderful example people should follow.
And at last, the Red Pyramid in the Northern District of the city. Made of red glass it attracts attention of people coming to Voronezh.


A group of foreign students at the monument to White Bim with Black Ear  

A monument to "The Kitten from Lizyukov Street"

A monument to Peter the Great

Nikitin grave

A monument to Soviet Science

Glory and pride of
Voronezh Land

  This land is the birthplace of famous Russian poets, writers and composers. There are streets, squares and parks named after them. Perhaps because of them there are so many romantics in Voronezh.
A monument to the poet Nikitin has become a symbol of the city. This is the only monument survived during World War II. The ashy bust to the poet Koltsov is dear to every Voronezhetz (a city resident). Every autumn traditional Koltsov-and-Nikitin Days are held there. Young poets get together at the monument to read out their versus.
The writer Bunin who worked at the beginning of the century was also born in Voronezh. He was best known as the last classic of Russian literature Golden Epoch. Being a Nobel Prize winner he was famous all over the world.


A monument to the writer Platonov

A monument to Nikitin


A monument to Pushkin



Voronezhtzy (city residents)
are learning, working hard and having a rest

City attractions.

Voronezh State University

Daily routine

Art Academy


A monument to Koltsov

Koltsov grave

A monument to the writer Bunin



Voronezh today

Meet our city

Heavens protect us

The witnesses of ancient

Our city is a hero




An ancient town looks modern

Voronezh at night

Voronezh in autumn

Love makes it even more beautiful

The author

Beauty of Voronezh nature

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