Heavens protect us


Here Voronezh starts


Entrance Gates


Voronezh lions...

A city is like a person. It has its own face and its own character, its own fate. The way the city looks depends on the time, the place and on everything which is called history.
Its a modern industrial and cultural centre of the Black-Soil Region which is in central Russia. Its only 500 km from Moscow, the capital of the country . Its population is about a million. Its the city of masters. The first ultra-sound plane was built in Voronezh.
Its also the city of theatres, clubs, cultural centres and sport complexes.
Its the city of students as there are 37 various institutions of higher learning where more than 120 thousand students get professional education.

Our streets, squares and aveneus...

...guard the city

"German town" in the North district of the city"

Railway Station is the gates of the city

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The Left Bank of the river

Chernavckyi Bridge

Voronezh "Sea"

North Bridge

The Right Bank
of the river



Voronezh today

Meet our city

Heavens protect us

The witnesses of ancient times

Our city is a hero




An ancient town looks modern

Voronezh at night

Voronezh in autumn

Love makes it even more beautiful

The author

Beauty of Voronezh nature

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