The Glory Memorial

Though sometimes we dont know the names of those who sacrificed their lives for homeland, whose hearts were brave to die for others.
Though sometimes we dont know their names they do have them.
Their names are Heroes.

The Great Patriotic War was the time full of grief, sorrow, losses, blood and death. It is the saddest page in the history of Voronezh. It was during 212 days when Voronezh was separated by battle lines into live and dead town.
During the war Voronezh was completely devastated. You see the ruins of the City Hospital which has never been reconstructed to remind people of the past by its horrifying sight. Can you imagine the whole city looking like this?
There are a lot of monuments to the soldiers who defended Voronezh during the war. Theres the Eternal Fire at the bottom of one of them. People often bring flowers to the monuments to express their gratitude for the chance to live, to love, to get married and have children to those who were deprived of that by the war.
On the day of their marriage young couples also come to the monuments to get a silent blessing of their grandparents who were killed in the war.
In the centre of the city there is a monument in the honor of Victory Day.

The memorial on Victory Square
(The Eternal Fire)

The Ruins of the City Hospital

The Stella with the War Reward



Voronezh today

Meet our city

Heavens protect us

The witnesses of ancient times

Our city is a hero




An ancient town looks modern

Voronezh at night

Voronezh in autumn

Love makes it even more beautiful

The author

Beauty of Voronezh nature
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